About Us
EASY Investments is a Professional Investment Advisory company started in 2004. With huge number of evolving investment options and changing investment regulations, investing has become increasing complex. As a result, many investors are not able to benefit out of emerging opportunities. We at EASY Investments simplify the investment complexities. We evaluate each investment option from investors point of view and suggest those match their needs. We keep track of all the investments made and review the investors portfolio periodically to maximize the return on investments. EASY Investments deals with all financial assets which are strictly regulated either by SEBI or IRDA. With bouquet of investment options like stocks, mutual funds, fixed income securities, insurance etc, it is easier to design appropriate asset allocation and invest comfortably.
About the CEO:
Mr.P.Ramaswamy is the Chief Executive and Managing Partner of EASY Investments. After completing his Masters in Medical Genetics in 1996 at University of Madras, his interest in service industry guided him towards Wealth Management. After qualifying in financially market, our CEO gained experience for four years before launching EASY Investments in 2004. With more than a decade of experience in Investment Management, his passion towards excellence in Investment Management is a great strength to the organization. His foresight led to adoption of best investment practices and standardized operations. His direct interaction with vast variety of investors ended up in devising investment strategies for various investment requirements. His clarity of thoughts is visible both in analytical newsletter "The FACTS" and in Research website : www.easyinv.blogspot.in. He is a voracious reader and Trusted Confidential Investment Advisor.